Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Epic Riding Season a Success!

I survived the 50-mile ride, and Keri provided support at rest stops 2 & 3 during the Tour de Felasco. Check out the rest of her photos here:

Last weekend I earned another t-shirt the hard way, riding the Ididaride, held in White Springs, Florida. I'll be watching for the official event photos on their site.

...and this is what we do for recovery---Bike Polo!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Bicycle Repair Man

It's my job.

Build you something?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Going Old-School.

I built up a retro-ride to remember what things were like in 1995. This sweet steel ride is made from Columbus Thron tubing, and built up to a 23 lb. singlespeed, ready for anything. It's real long and low compared to my 29er's, but feels faster on the trails. If you think this is for you, I can build one up for you, modestly for $550, extravagantly for more.

Monday, January 01, 2007